Here is what we can offer your organisation.
Assisting the public and the private sector in resolving their debt can be a stretching and demanding task that requires wit, strategy and will. In fact, ‘collecting debt’ is not a linchpin of our service; what sits at the core is ‘how’ we execute the recovery and which measures we put in place to ensure that there is great revenue enhancement after debt collection.
This is why we offer various services to help our client rise beyond the debt.
Credit and Risk Analysis
o Analysing debt books and evaluating risk
o Determining real value
Revenue Management and Recoveries
o Managing current debtors and recovering bad debt
o Indigent Management
Ease of payment for debtors:
Payment Points
o ABSA branches, Easy Pay and NICS centres
Flexible Pricing Structure
o No collection, no charge
o Adjustment based on: the quality of the information of the debtors, the age of the debt and the date of the last payment
We execute all our services through robust infrastructure and technology.