NICS celebrated the Nelson Mandela Month 2017 with the Sol Plaatje Municipality
In memory of one of the greatest legends and statesman that has ever lived, at NICS we joined all South Africans as well as other countries to commemorate Tata Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela.
In our approach of striving to entrench sustainable value creation, which is one that understands that PEOPLE are the foundation of our success and that our continued success rests on our ability to build mutually beneficial ties with the communities within which we operate.
It is in this spirit that we participated in activities that were geared towards a prosperous Kimberley community. NICS celebrated the Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela Month 2017 in partnership with the Sol Plaatje Municipality in Kimberley, Northern Cape Province (one of NICS’ clients.) together with other local corporates.
We donated basic support goods that we believe will benefit the indigent school-going children of Ritchie, Plaatfontein and Riverton communities as well as child/grandmother-headed homes in the Kimberley area. Our objective was to alleviate the burden of unmet basic needs, so as to allow children to concentrate on their studies thereby allowing them to thrive and grow up to become South Africa’s future leaders and outstanding community citizens they deserve to be.
We, as NICS, alongside the Honourable Executive Mayor of Sol Plaatje: Councillor Matika, distributed the following goods to Ritchie, Plaatfontein and Riverton communities:
- 300 pairs of school shoes
- 1000 packs of sanitary towels/ pads
- 100 blankets of which half will go into the risk and disaster management bank for the municipality and the other half to go to the child/ grandmother-headed homes during women’s month
- 10 computers for the community’s computer centre, planned by Sol Plaatje Municipality at Ritchie
NICS, as a people-centric organization, found it a prudent move to positively contribute towards an initiative that is aligned with empowering people, to propel them towards a successful and sustainable future, that will positively impact their lives and their communities.
Radio Teemaneng Station, a local community radio commissioned by NICS, covered the pledging and distribution events. The events included the school shoes giveaway campaign via Radio Teemananeng Station, which allowed for a personal interaction with the listeners. The mechanic was geared towards allowing individuals who required an appropriate platform, to be able to assist a disadvantaged student they know, with basic needs such as school shoes.
As Tata Madiba aptly put it “Poverty is not an accident; like slavery and Apartheid it is man-made and it can be removed by the actions of human beings.”